Taking Photos in Virbela

August 29th, 2023


Taking Photos in Virbela

Taking photos in Virbela works the same as taking a screenshot the way you normally do it on your computer.


Here are 2 methods for taking screenshots in Windows.

  • Using the Snipping Tool
    1. Press Windows Key + Shift + S to activate the Snipping Tool
    2. Use the toolbar to capture full screen, a selected window, or a portion of the screen
    3. You can also search for the Snipping Tool on your computer, by typing "Snipping Tool" in the search box of the Start Menu, which will display a popup window with an option to capture a portion of the screen
  • Using the Windows Game Bar Capture Widget
    1. Press Windows Key + G
    2. A gray bar will appear on your screen
    3. Select “Capture” (the camera icon) - this will capture your entire screen

Note: The Snipping Tool can also be bound to the Print Screen key by enabling the option in the Ease of Access settings. Go to Windows Settings, select Ease of Access, navigate to Keyboard (under Interaction), then turn on the "Print Screen shortcut" option.



MacOS has multiple capture options to best suit your needs. You can access the capture options by using the following keyboard combinations.

  1. Command + Shift + 5
    • A toolbar will appear on your screen with options to capture your entire screen, a selected window or a selected portion of the screen
  2. Command + Shift + 4
    • Allows you to capture a selected portion of the screen
    • Pressing Spacebar before capturing your screen will enable the Window Capture mode, allowing you to capture an entire application window with one click
  3. Command + Shift + 3
    • Allows you to capture your entire screen

Below are some tips and commands to help get the best screenshots:

  • Take a Selfie
    • Click on your name in the blue box at the upper left of the screen and select “View Avatar”. This will change the camera view to view the front of your avatar making it easy to take a selfie.
  • Use /freelook (Leader or above permissions required)
    • Type /freelook into the chat box and press “Enter”
    • Use your mouse and the WASD keys to navigate around the room. Your avatar will stay in place, but your view will change.
    • To bring your view back to normal, click on an empty chair or on the floor near your avatar. Then press the spacebar on your keyboard to lock your view back in place.
  • /toggleinfo (Leader or above permissions required)
    • Type /toggleinfo into the chat box and press “Enter”. This will hide avatar names from your point of view.
      • The names of those on the stage and those talking while the command is enabled will still be visible.
    • To bring your view back to normal, type /toggleinfo into the chat box a second time
  • To hide the list of names at the upper left of the screen:
    • Click the filter button at the top left of the screen (the hamburger menu with a down arrow in the GO TO menu)
    • Select “Hide/Unhide”
  • /vis (elevated permissions required)
    • Type /vis into the chat box and press “Enter”
      • This turns off the UI from your point of view
      • To bring your view back to normal, press “Enter” to toggle the UI back on

Note: For best results, type the /toggleinfo command into the chat box before enabling /vis .