Web Release 08/09/23

October 27th, 2023


New ways to manage user profiles

Customers have asked for better control over what users enter in their profiles. However, Virbela has consistently held that user profiles belong to the user, so campuses cannot control this data. 

As a result, we have created a new concept called member profiles. Campuses can control these profiles while leaving the user profile in place. The table below breaks down the differences between the two. 




Customers have complete control over whether they want their campus to use user profiles, member profiles, or neither. 

📝 There are a few fields the system uses that appear in many locations. 

Users can change their first name and last name in their user profile. However, this change is only reflected in their public profile, meaning the update is specific to the world. Their name in the member profile appears in the membership screen, Virbela dashboard reports, and Virbela APIs. 

Display name (called avatar name in the user profile) is a global field. This means the display name for the user is the same across all campuses the user is a member. Campus administrators can change a user's display name, but this change is reflected across all campuses. 

The email the user lists in their profile only appears in the public profile. The member profile contains a contact email that is specific to the world. This email appears in the Virbela dashboard reports and the Virbela APIs. Finally, there is an identification email that the user logs in with. Only users can update this email. They can edit this email on the profile page under “change email.” 

The title is always specific to the world.


User profile

Little has changed with the user profile. Users will have the same input options when the profile is available on the profile page.


The avatar name updates the display name field. However, the system requires a unique entry. Therefore, if a user picks an avatar name already in use, Virbela will automatically append a random number at the end of the avatar name to ensure uniqueness. 

This existing functionality remains unchanged and is clarified in the release notes for improved user understanding.


Virbela is not deleting any data as a result of this release. Users will see their profiles completely intact.

The ability to hide the ‘Edit’ button on the in-app profile page has moved

On 31 Aug 2022, Virbela released a new feature. To avoid certain users putting inaccurate/inappropriate information in their profiles, we have an option for customers to remove the ‘Edit’ button on the in-app profile page. With this functionality enabled, users can still see their complete profile in-app but will no longer have the ‘Edit’ button that links directly to the ‘Edit Profile' page on the dashboard. 

Administrators were able to control this option on the world screen. This option is now available on the member profile screen. It operates the same way as it did before this release.


A checkbox can be used to turn this feature on/off. Turning this functionality on/off is only available to those accessing the Member Profile screen on the dashboard. 


By default, the ‘Edit’ button will be visible. 

Users can still edit their profile if they go directly to the dashboard. The main goal of this change is to discourage users who don’t know about or have access to the dashboard from editing their profiles.


Campus administrators can prevent the use of the profile page


On 25 Jan 2023, Virbela released functionality to help campus administrators manage the use of the user profile. In this release, we have moved this feature from the world screen to the member profile screen. In addition, we have added more granular options to choose from. 

Campus administrators can decide if they want users to view their profiles in the Virbela dashboard and whether they want users to view other user profiles in the world.


Below is what happens when each setting is selected. 



Turning off the profile will prevent users from viewing and entering data in their profile. However, it will not delete the profile data. 

In other words, if a user enters data into their profile, and the campus then turns off the profile feature, they will no longer see their profile or the profile of other users. However, the user will see the previously entered data if the campus re-enables the profile feature. 

If a user belongs to multiple worlds, and one or more allows profiles, they can still edit their profile.


Member profile

The member profile provides campus administrators more flexibility in managing their users. 

Setting up the member profile

Administrators manage the member profile form using the member profile page in the Virbela dashboard. To start, campus administrators can decide if the profile should appear in the desktop client and the dashboard. 





Administrators can add as many fields as they would like. To add a new field, click “add new field.” Administrators can then add the name of the field. They also need to decide if the field is visible to the user (i.e., the user can view what is entered in this field in their profile, and other users can view this field in the world) and whether users can edit it in their profile. 

Finally, the administrator needs to select the data type. In most cases, administrators should choose string. However, there are also numbers, dates, and true/false options. Selecting the correct data type helps ensure data integrity when users enter data. 

Once the administrator has added the appropriate fields, they must click save to finalize the changes. 

While administrators can add and delete fields, they cannot modify the name of the fields after saving them. Administrators can still update the settings for visibility and editing. 

If a field were created in error, the administrator would need to delete the field, then save the changes. The administrator can then add a new field. 

Deleting a field deletes any data associated with that field. This data is not recoverable.

Editing a member profile for a specific user(s)

Campus administrators can edit member profiles through the member screen or the import tool. 

Administrators can edit the specific column for that field in the member screen. Changes are saved immediately.


Administrators can also use a CSV file to import this data using the bulk import tool. An example CSV file is shown below. The first row should contain the column names that the administrator wishes to add or update.




Virbela also offers an API to update profile information. Please find more in our API documentation article .


The email is the same as the one in the identification email field of the membership screen.


User interaction with the member profile


If administrators allow users to view their member profile, users will find their profile in the profile screen under their public profile. Users will view the fields that administrators marked “visible” and can edit fields administrators marked “editable.” 

Users can erase data by clicking the eraser icon next to the field.


Users can also view their member profiles and the member profiles of other users in the world (if administrators select that option).


The in-world tool is read-only and only shows the fields marked “visible” by campus administrators. 

When both the user and member profiles are disabled

Administrators can also choose to turn off both profiles. 

If both profiles are disabled in the world, then the profile option will no longer appear under the user’s name in the GoTo menu. 

If both profiles are disabled in the dashboard, users will no longer see either under the profile tab.


Updated UI for the Virbela dashboard

This release involves significant changes to the user interface of the Virbela dashboard. This includes the introduction of some new functionality. In addition, we have moved some features to different screens. 


Some of these changes may mean users must update their bookmarks on their browser. The main page (app.virbela.com, app-eu.virbela.com, app-aus.virbela.com) for the Virbela dashboard has not changed, but the links to the subpages may have changed.



Virbela has not removed any functionality as a result of this release. Please contact your account manager if you cannot find a particular feature.


Campus owners can now decide which roles can view specific dashboard screens

Before this release, Virbela enforced the same access rules for all customers. It looked like this: 


No other role had access to these pages. 

This release makes it easier for customers to decide which roles can access these screens. Campus owners can choose which elevated role can access each screen. 


In most cases, campus owners can allow any role from the leader and above to view the screens. However, there are a few screens that contain very impactful options. These screens are locked down further. Below is a list of the default roles that can access these screens and the minimum role the campus owner can allow to access the screen. 


Screen Default Access The minimum role who can access
Admin → Members Administrators and up Leaders and up
Admin → Configuration Owners Leaders and up
Admin → Import Administrators and up Leaders and up
Admin → Badges Administrators and up Leaders and up
Admin → Space Creator (if enabled for the campus) Administrators and up Leaders and up
Admin → Rooms Owners Leaders and up
Admin → Room Permissions Owners Leaders and up
Admin → Member Profile Administrators and up Leaders and up
Analytics → Dashboard Administrators and up Leaders and up
Analytics → Activity Administrators and up Leaders and up
Analytics → Private Spaces (if enabled for the campus) Administrators and up Leaders and up


The new world subpages are not yet configurable. These pages will be configurable in an upcoming web release later this year. 

The only screen that is not configurable is the role screen itself. However, we do plan to make this a configurable option in the future.


Owners can decide what role can manage the member screen. However, even if a user can control the screen, they cannot manage users' information with higher roles. 

For example, moderators and above can manage the member screen. This means moderators can edit the information (e.g., update display name, change role, change team ID, delete user) for any moderator or below user. However, moderators cannot perform any of these actions on users with the role of administrator or owner. 

In addition, users cannot promote other users to a higher role. In other words, moderators can make other users members, leaders, and moderators. However, they cannot promote other users to administrators or owners.


Additional features added to the role screen

Campus owners have several new controls in the role screen. 

New GoTo menu controls

Campus owners can now decide what roles can interact with the following fields:

System Metrics (“View Another User's System Metrics“)

Close Mic (“Close Another User's Mic”)

Set Mic Sensitivity (“Set Another User's Mic Sensitivity”)

Send to Landing Area (“Send Another User to Landing Area“)



The role page does not control the behavior of private space roles.


Virbela also updated the wording for a few other permissions (the functionality itself is unchanged): 


Control what users can interact with the chat menu

Campus owners can decide what roles can interact with the chat menu. 


When chat is disabled, users can no longer send messages, though they can receive notifications from other users. They also lose the ability to upload files. 


This is a global setting, meaning it is applied to all rooms within a campus. Campus owners cannot control this by room at this time.


Updates to the member screen

We have updated the member screen to allow administrators to pick what columns they want to view, make it work with the new member profile feature, and relocate the badge functionality. 

Pick columns to show on the member screen

The member screen was getting rather unwieldy with the number of columns available. Now administrators can decide what columns they want to show and what they want to hide by selecting “pick columns.”


Administrators can select from a list of columns they want to show on the screen. They can pick any or all the columns.


All fields created for the member profile also appear on this screen. 

Column selections are unique to a user and the world. In other words, if User A logs into World A and selects columns, those choices are saved for when the user logs into World A next time. However, if User A logs into World B or User B logs into World A, they must make their column selections again. 

Column choices are not saved if users have set their browser to disallow websites to store data locally.


If a user has configured their browser to disallow the website storing data locally, then Virbela cannot remember the column selection.


Flatten out the hardware specifications

Before this release, hardware specifications were shown in a column called “hardware specs.” 


Clicking “view” showed the actual hardware specifications for that user:


With this release, we have removed the pop-up option. Instead, users can decide what hardware specifications they want to show on the member screen. For example, they can choose to display the device and operating system. 

Removal of the “membership” column


The membership column has also been removed. There was a “view” button in this column:


Clicking on “view” allowed administrators to edit the badge associated with that user or change the user’s password.


We have deleted the badge option from this screen and relocated it to the new badge screen. We also moved “reset passwords” under the “options” column. Previously, the only option under this column was “delete” user. We have left that option and added “reset password.”


Consolidated location to manage badges

Managing badges in the past was a bit difficult. Administrators had to add badges on the settings page, then manage those badges using the import tool and the member screen. This release consolidates all those features into a single location: the badge screen.



It is important to note that nothing has changed with how badges function. We have consolidated and simplified the process..



Badge list

The badge list used to appear under the settings page. It operates the same in its new location. Campus administrators can add new badges and delete existing badges.


Badge assignment import

The badge assignment import behaves similarly to how it worked in the Import Tool. Administrators can take a CSV of emails, upload it to this tool, and apply a badge to each of the users associated with that email. 

After the list is uploaded, administrators can select the badge they want to apply to all users. They can also decide to unassign badges by checking“unassign badges.” 

Administrators can also decide what to do if a user already has a badge. If the “overwrite badges” box is checked, all users on the list will receive the new badge regardless if they already have one. Not selecting the box means that only users without a badge will receive the new badge, and users who already have a badge will retain their existing badge. 

The badge assignment import tool only controls badges. Administrators cannot use this tool to invite new members or update existing member profiles. Administrators will continue to use the import tool for these functions. 

However, the import tool does still allow administrators to update badges.


Member Badge Assignments

Campus administrators can view the badges for each user under the “member badge assignments” panel. Administrators can view a read-only list of members and assign badges using the dropdown.



In the past, administrators could add multiple badges to the user. However, Virbela can only apply for a single badge at a time. To avoid future confusion, the badge dropdown is now a “choose one” instead of a “choose many.”


While campus administrators can view the user’s email, first name, last name, and display name, these fields are read-only on this screen. Campus administrators can change these fields on the member screen or use the import tool.


Export badges

Administrators can export a list of users with badges. There is a button in the panel.


After selecting the “export” button, a prompt will appear asking where to send the export file. The administrator’s identification email is inserted by default.


The administrator will receive an email that allows them to download the report.


The report is a CSV and will resemble the following: 


Separate the world screen into multiple screens

The world screen has plenty of rich features but has become unwieldy. We have decided to split the world screen out into several screens. In addition, we have added fourteen (14) new features. 


World Information

The world information screen primarily contains read-only details about the world. This includes:

Build version


Voice IP

Max Upload Limit

Organization Name

Customer ID

The organization name is a read-only field.


User Registration and Login

The user registration and login configuration screen controls the options on the in-world login and registration screens. The possibilities are shown below. 


Panel Section Fields Notes
World Status None Invites only  
World Status None Allow registration  
World Status None Disable world  
User Options Login Screen Information Welcome message  
User Options Login Screen Information Invite hint message  
User Options Login Screen Information Disable world message This field will only appear if the “disable world” field is checked.
User Options Login Screen Information Customer support email  
User Options User Login Options Default team ID  
User Options User Login Options Days Until Password Expires  
User Options User Login Options Require Verification  
User Options User Login Options Disable Remember Me  
User Options User Invitation and registration options Hide Download Links  
User Options User Invitation and registration options Client Download Button Label  
User Options User Invitation and registration options Virbela Email Headers  


Most of these options already existed in the old world screen. However, there are two new fields. 

Disable world message

Campus administrators can now set a message when the world is disabled. This message will appear when a user launches the campus while the world is disabled. 

Days Until Password Expires

Campus administrators can force users to reset their password after a specified number of days. Once a password expires, users cannot log in until they reset their password. 

In-world Controls

The in-world control screen allows campus administrators to determine how users experience the world once they log in. The options are shown below.





User navigation

User navigation options

Spawn location


User navigation

User navigation options

Hide World Users Count


User navigation

User navigation options

Disable door spawns


User navigation

User navigation options

Enable world map on navigation page (experimental)


User navigation

Favorite rooms

Enable Favorite Rooms


User navigation

Favorite rooms

Max Allowed Favorite Rooms


User navigation

Favorite rooms

Message on Exceeding


User navigation

Recent rooms

Show Recent Rooms


User navigation

Recent rooms

Maximum Rooms to Show


User navigation

Custom folder options

Gear Menu Folder Name


User navigation

Custom folder options

Login Header


User navigation

Custom folder options

Folder table


User status

Automated user status

Show New User Title


User status

Automated user status

Time to consider a user is idle


User status

Custom user status

Custom Status


User status

Custom user status

Custom Status table

Only appears if custom status is enabled

Other in-world controls

Raise hand

Allow users to raise hands in any room


Other in-world controls

Help menu

Custom Help Menu


Other in-world controls

Help menu

URL for help menu

Only appears if “custom help menu” is enabled

Other in-world controls

Help menu

Help menu text

Only appears if “custom help menu” is enabled

Most of these options already existed in the old world screen. However, there are seven new fields. 

Disable door spawns

When a user maps a door to a scene, then maps the door in that scene back to the original scene, the user will land outside the door. For example, a door in Workspace A is mapped to the Main Auditorium, and a door in the Main Auditorium is mapped to Workspace A. The functionality is explained here

This option allows customers to turn this feature off, so users will land in the main spawn area of a scene regardless of how they entered the scene. 

This does not control the main campus scene. Users will end up outside the door in the main campus scene.

Enable world map on navigation page (experimental)

The world map is an experimental feature that lists all of the convention centers available in the world. Some customers find this useful, while others do not. This option allows customers to determine if they want to enable the world map feature for their world. 

Inactive Minutes To Consider User As Idle

Virbela automatically assumes a user is idle after x minutes. Once a user becomes idle, their status in their nameplate shows they are inactive and are automatically muted. 

This setting allows customers to choose how long a user should remain inactive before they are identified as idle. 

The default is 60 minutes.



This setting is not the same idle setting that kicks users out of the world for being inactive for too long. Virbela can set this setting by campus, but customers will need to contact their account manager to make this change.



Allow users to raise hands in any room

A button appears on the screen in the following scenes that allow users to raise their hand:


Conference Hall



This option makes that button available in any scene. 

If this option is unchecked, users will still see the button in the auditorium and conference hall. In addition, they will still have the option to raise their hand using the GoTo menu in any scene.


Custom help menu (three options)

The help menu appears in the gear menu. By default, it takes users to the Virbela Knowledge Base. Checking the box allows campus administrators to override the default and send users to a different website. Campus administrators can also change the text that appears in the gear menu. 

If users choose to have a custom field, the help menu will lose its localization.


Web Boards, File Uploads, and Chat

The web board, file uploads, and chat screen provide three brand-new controls to the dashboard. 

Disable file uploads

Campus administrators can choose to turn off all file uploads for all users in the world. Selecting this option means that users can no longer upload files via chat, image panel, or web board. 

Home page for web boards

Campus administrators can set the global home page for their web boards. 

Autoplay videos

Checking this box will allow videos on web boards to autoplay whenever a user entered the private volume.


Scavenger Hunt

Campus administrators can manage the scavenger hunt using the Scavenger Hunt screen. They can manage the following options:

Enable Scavenger Hunt

Enable scavenger hunt upon login

Scavenger Hunt Instructions Header

Scavenger Hunt Instructions Message

Scavenger Hunt Completion Header

Scavenger Hunt Completion Message 

Enable scavenger hunt upon login

Enabling scavenger hunt upon login is a new feature added with this release. When this option is checked, users will see the scavenger hunt has started when they log in. 

Integrations screen

We have relocated several features to the new Integrations screen, which will now house all third-party integration options. This includes:

Campus Streaming options

API credentials


Slack Integration.

All of these features act the same as they did before.


The settings screen is removed

The settings screen never had an actual purpose. We have deleted this screen and relocated all its components to other screens.


Users can now change their email and password on the profile page

Users can now change their email and password on the profile page instead of the settings page. 

Updates to the room permissions page

This release includes a few new additions to the room permissions screen. 

Campus owners can control which roles can control speech-to-text

Campus owners can now set what roles control speech-to-text in the “room settings” menu. 


Campus owners can set this in the room permissions screen under “Speech to Text.”


This setting defaults to administrators and up.

Campus owners can choose what roles can perform chat moderation by room


Chat moderators can delete chats so they no longer appear in the chat dialogue. Chat moderators may delete messages because they are offensive, inaccurate, or for any other reason. Once a chat message is deleted, it is removed from view for all users. The message is permanently deleted. 

This feature allows campus administrators to decide what roles can act as a chat moderator in a given room.



When a role can moderate chat, they will see an “x” icon next to each message sent into chat.


When a chat moderator clicks that button, they will receive a message confirming they want to delete it.


Clicking “okay” will delete the message.



This setting defaults to owners.


Campus owners can choose what roles can perform the toggle command by room


The toggle command removes the nameplates from view and then re-enables the nameplate. This is useful when taking pictures in the world. 


This feature allows campus administrators to decide what roles can use the command in a given room.




This setting defaults to moderators and up.


The avatar nameplates will still appear over users who have their hands raised or are speaking.



The “view guide” button for each room permission screen takes users to a Google Document. We have updated this link to take users to the Knowledge Base article instead, ensuring there is only one source of truth to maintain.



Minor stories and bug fixes


Updated avatar image on Google SSO

Users saw the old avatars when logging in via Google SSO. We have now updated the image to show our updated avatars. 

Sticky note override now functions

There was an issue where Sticky Note permissions for specific rooms were not overriding the global default. This is now resolved. 

Space creator now lists spaces alphabetically

The space creator tool in the dashboard listed the space types in random order. It now lists the space types alphabetically. 

Updated scene images in the Space Management Portal